Giovani Feroce Governor

(VIDEO) Giovanni Feroce Unveils Plan To Fix Rhode Island. Proposes Huge Tax Cuts!

via Feroce for Governor

In order to fix Rhode Island and become the best state in the nation for families and business, we need to address things in a comprehensive manner.

We need to work on and pass an Act. I propose the following:

“The 21st Century Rhode Island Business Act”

  1. Eliminate the personal income tax
  2. Lowest Corp income tax in the nation
  3. Building material tax incentives for new construction
  4. Transportation infrastructure connectivity commitments
  5. Tuition reimbursement credits for companies
  6. No inventory and asset taxes
  7. Moving credits for employees that transfer to RI
  8. “Right to Work” state designation (like 28 other states and counting; let’s not be last for once). Work with labor to create a model that is unique and works for us starting in 2025, not right away, but at least signal to all companies we can compete with any state.

In addition we must have a program for all 39 cities and towns to provide municipal infrastructure support:

– technology driven pay systems for transportation and parking
– Free Wifi

Also we need the Real Estate industry to commit to housing concepts of the future

– versatile
– technology heavy
– price point driven

Lots of work to do, but I can do it with your support.
Thank you.

Giovanni Feroce