Salve Regina Students Rally for Palestinian Support, Protest University’s Investments

A group of approximately 60 Salve Regina University students assembled Thursday in solidarity with the Palestinian people, urging for an immediate ceasefire and challenging Salve’s investment practices. The demonstration, held on campus grounds and on Newport’s iconic Cliff Walk, sought to draw attention to the ongoing conflict in the region and requested that the university denounce the violence in the Middle East.

“We applaud the demonstrators’ commitment to social justice and advocacy for nonviolent solutions to this conflict. Nonviolence is one of the five Mercy Critical Concerns and is central to our mercy mission at Salve. Our hearts are with all of the innocent victims suffering the atrocities of war and we pray for the families who have been displaced, disrupted, and held captive. We must bring an end to the violence and the loss of innocent lives immediately,” expressed Salve Regina University President Kelli Armstrong.

The students voiced their concerns over the university’s investment portfolio, which reportedly includes holdings linked to companies involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They demanded transparency and accountability, calling upon the administration to establish an independent committee comprising students, faculty, and staff to oversee the college’s social responsibility in investments.

“The University wholeheartedly supports freedom of speech as a cornerstone of democracy and our existence as an academic institution. As our mission calls us to do, we must promote productive and meaningful dialogue across our differences as we work toward a world that is more harmonious, just and merciful,” added President Armstrong.

As of publication, 165 people have signed the student’s petition.



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