General Rochambeau Newport RI

Without France, there is no United States

by Dave Rogers

On July 10, 1780, Lt. General Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau disembarked with 7,000 troops from their voyage from France in Newport, Rhode Island where he would spend one year before linking up with General Washington and the Continental Army for the march south which culminated in the seige of Yorktown, the surrender of General Cornwallis and the American victory in the Revolutionary War. We remember General Rochambeau with the statue which stands looking out upon Newport Harbor.

After 5 years of war against the English monarchy, it had been determined that the ingenuity, heroism and resilience of the upstart rebellion by the American colonies had proven worthy of alliance by the far superior French military which was the pivotal point of eventual victory for America.

Without France there literally IS NO United States of America.

As reflections upon the events of the last twenty four hours continue, prayers are offered, reasons are analyzed and plans are debated keep this knowledge in your pocket and perhaps ask yourself: Will America prove worthy again?

About the author: Dave Rogers is a combat decorated former U.S. Navy SEAL and a two time candidate for United States Congress in 2002 and 2004. Dave now hosts the Open Forum on 1540 WADK and works as a consultant to the defense industry.