Letter: Questioning the Rationale Behind Newport’s School Dress Code Changes and a Call for Resignation

This is a Letter to the Editor in response to Newport School Committee member Kendra Wilson Muenter’s position on the Newport school’s dress code..

Dear Ms. Kendra Wilson Muenter,

I just read your response to the negative reaction from the general public regarding the new dress code in the Newport schools. There isn’t a controversy about being able to wear pajamas or hats in the schools. It’s an embarrassment that someone on the Newport School Committee would promote such a dress code. To say this change “gives the students a voice in decision-making, making them feel heard and valued” is ridiculous. Your position should be to assist in the development of students. To say you vetted this subject…who did you vet this with?

To demean the general public by saying, in your opinion, “they make snap decisions from a news article that doesn’t represent the new policy” is ridiculous. By the way, the general public pays taxes, which, if I’m reading your response correctly, means they should have no say in how schools are run. I, for one, and I’m certain many others, believe in a dress code that maintains PROPER APPEARANCE.

Wearing hats and pajamas IS NOT A PROPER DRESS CODE!

In the last article I read, you mentioned that if someone had a bad hair day, they would stay home, or if their clothes were dirty, they would stay home. So if someone is too lazy to groom themselves or clean their clothes, is it acceptable to stay home?

I would hope that the administration would strongly object to the change in the new dress code.

I also request that you resign from the Newport School Committee.


John T. Brady
Newport, RI




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