John Walker Newport City Council

Letter: Why I am Voting for John Walker for Newport City Council At-Large

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To the Editor:

I am voting for John Walker for Newport City Councilor At-Large because I believe Mr. Walker will be the refreshing and reassuring leadership Newport city government needs to anchor our increasingly fragmented sense of community.

John Walker has deep roots to Newport spanning 7 generations. John is a commercial fisherman, owns a local welding and fabrication company, is a graduate of Roger’s High school and a father of 5 children all of whom attend Newport public schools.

John cares deeply about the issues every day Newporters are facing including the housing affordability crisis, educational and economic opportunities for our young people, a safety net for our elderly population who are struggling to get by and pedestrian/cyclist safety as speeding dangerous traffic is now a year round phenomenon that has killed two people in the last year Kayla Watson and Timothy Gillissie and injured countless others….

John can often be seen on Broadway talking to Newporters who have run on hard times and taking a genuine interest in their lives. 

John does not have a fancy instagram page or a bankrolled out of town PR machine like some of the incumbent city councilors. John is a regular guy who gets up everyday to go to work and feed his family.  Recent events and infighting have shown how wildly out of touch some of our city council members with their constituents. We need John because he has integrity, says what he means and means what he says and will have the backbone to make tough decisions that are community centric not politically motivated.

Vote John Walker for Newport, for our future, and for the opportunity to unite Newport into a city that is once again thriving and able to sustain a year round community. 

Christine Hope Sullivan
Newport, Rhode Island




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